The Skinny Me Zone
We all have a "skinny" version of ourselves that we once knew and loved...
Owned and Operated by Jami Appenzeller, formerly known for her PhillyFIT Magazine since 2004, The Skinny Me Zone is for men and women who are looking to get back to a feeling and looking their best. Jami says, "I wanted to create a business that is exactly what I would want and need at this stage of my life (almost 60 yrs. old). This lead me to focus on the obvious to me, holistic and natural ways to work on:
Fat Reduction
Cellulite Reduction
Skin Tightening
Pain Relief
Retaining our Youthfulness as best as we can!"
Our treatments can help you get rid of those stubborn areas that make you feel hopeless with your exercise and even eating well! We help clients with those troublesome areas that simply won't "budge" through diet and exercise - Jami and her team use Several different approaches to help remove that stubborn fat and tone/tighten loose skin all during the same session! Ultrasonic Cavitation, Radio Frequency, Cryolipolysis, are just a few options! These are all proven treatment sto destroy fat cells, and tighten loose skin. Then, fat cells are eliminated through your body's lymphatic drainage system and fat loss is permanent. Clients Flush with drinking plenty of water and sweating out the destroyed fat cells through our bodies
waste system.
Yes, results are permanent.
Our fast results leave you more motivated than ever to continue on your health and wellness journey!